
What's new?

You never know what you'll see at MAC, but there's always a good chance to see some new models, gadgets, plans, and maybe a new face or two. Seen at our last indoor meeting:

Tom brought a new model for the Bostonian contest. The all-red pusher prop driven Bostonian is one of Tom's own designs. The color is hot, but I think this plane is really cool.

One of our friends from SAM 27 attended his first MAC meeting last month. He flew this micro R/C Prairie Bird and I think he learned some things about free flight, too. Welcome!

Not your average Prairie Bird.

A work in progress. Haoyang has covered all of this biplane except the fuselage. The parts are not attached yet, just set up temporarily for this picture.

Mike showed us the fuselage of a Grumman F7F Tigercat he is building.

Haoyang and Daniel studied a plan.

When you build from plans, there aren't always a lot of instructions. Figuring out what the designer intended may be part of the fun, but I'm grateful for other modelers who are ready to help -- at club meetings, online, or via email. Thanks, guys!


FROG Delta 16

I posted a picture of Mike flying his FROG Delta 16 last month and remembered that model from my first outdoor MAC meeting in 2006. That was before we started this blog, so my pictures from that day were never posted... until now. Here is Mike on May 14, 2006, in the field behind the St. Vincent's gym in Marinwood (we moved our outdoor sessions to Lakeville in 2007).

Mike built his Delta 16 from plans which are available to download free from the House of Frog website. The video below shows the model flying in 2006. I guess it isn't easy to trim a flying wing, but Mike is doing okay. (Tom: "The glide is superb." Mike: "Yeah.")