

Why are Richard, Brian and Ding standing around like they're doing a coffee commercial at the inaugural FAC Squadron 27 contest?

Well take a look at the windsock - it's actually going up!

Other than the impossible wind, conditions were perfect at the Sam 27 Lakeville field this morning, when a bunch of us gathered to do combat with balsa weapons. My attempts to fly dime scale gave a good impression of a demented butterfly, while Ed's gollywock and Ray's Skokie could have won downwind distance records with one flight each. Tyler did really well with his pseudo dime chambermaid - which is about as esoteric as this "hobby" gets - but Dave's staggerwing looked promising too.

The FAC contest is now postponed, but we will announce a new date within days. It's a pity because quite a few people turned up. Dave took it pretty well considering his competitive nature, but he quickly started figuring out how many even better models he can build in the meantime.

Kermit helped out with timing, and provided his hi-tech (no longer available) stooge. Ray checked it out and came to the conclusion you would need at least a milling machine to make a copy.

Ed just found out his gollywock is illegal with a folding prop, and is considering the parallel bars instead.

Happy if flightless day. Thanks to everyone for the fine conversation.


1 comment:

flyin_brian said...

A bad day for flying, but a good day for sittin around shootin the bullsh*t.

Seems like the wind has had a firm grip on the region for most of the year...a pity.
Dont get discouraged though, fellow gum banders, the good weather will be here soon.
In the meantime...build, build, build!